Saturday, February 15, 2020

Labor Pains

Yes, things are moving...

Todd is pulling double-duty at work, and I'm on the mid-shift here, so our energy level the last few months has been rather low....

In the meantime - while the rules come slowly together - here's more art work...

It's likely to change, I'm working on getting the 'look' for the ships more uniform, while giving each star-nation a distinctive look that fits with how I see their design emphasis working out.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

The Terran Hegemony's Wotan-class Battleship and Thunderbolt-class Battlecruiser are practically relics in this day and age, but they were the first FTL-capable Warships able to enforce the will of the Terran Trade Confederation in the chaos of the breakup of the Confederation.
Though the Confederation lost that struggle when it's economy collapsed, it did hang onto most of the core worlds, and was left with just over 100 Wotan's and just shy of 400 Thunderbolts. It also had about a thousand other smaller warships that were deemed uneconomical to keep in the field or even in the reserve fleet. Recovery of the material in those other warships helped fuel the rebuilding of the economy in the three decades afterward ....
Though most are rarely pulled out of mothballs, Terra does keep three full squadrons operable and worked up, ready to deal with the occasional trouble spot.
Both ships have similar armament and heavy armor.
Each has heavy beam armament forward, significant laser turret capacity, and good broadside coverage for use against missile and drone barrages that tended to eviscerate small ship formations.
The sheer amount of armor on these ships puts them in a unique position, as few nations see the value of that much armor in comparison to the cost.

Wotan Class Battleship

Thunderbolt Class Battlecruiser