Saturday, September 7, 2019

Nothing much yet, carry on....

Just an update of yesterdays graphic, spend most of my free time spit-balling rules.... 

I could bore you with the long tale of how I got to this point, since the first pages of anything usually suck...

....but lets try to keep the intro short.

The point of the collaboration is to have fun making a starship combat game BOTH of us would enjoy. We've both bought and paid for games that - frankly - sorta suck and aren't fun to play. I get the geeky thrill of piloting your ship to destroy the Khodan Armada, but the details too often wreck the game. A friend and I are writing a game, not the first game for both of us, but the first we've actively collaborated on.

I'll try to post some of our older stuff as well as newer stuff as things progress. Who knows, we might actually make a dime or two off this.

In the meantime, here's some artwork that may or may not (likely not, but it's generally of the style we'll start with) end up in the game....